2400 Baud

300 baud was a little before my time, but I do remember dialing up the local BBS's on my parents old 386. I was hitting 1200-2400 baud, which was mighty cool to me. I used to sit there on those BBS's for hours. Looking back, though, I can't remember what I did on there. I don't think I posted anything, and I don't think I downloaded anything. It was just amazing to be able to be connected to another computer over a phone line. Where I lived at the time, the city offered something called a FreeNet. At the time I didn't know what I was getting into when I dialed in, but it was actually a text version of the world wide web. I had no idea what it was or how to navigate through it, but some how I managed to download pictures from Woodstock 94. That would be my first encounter with the internet as we know it today.